The holidays are a magical time for children of all ages. It’s a time when we get to slow down, be together as a family, and enjoy the best food around. But it can also be a chaotic season full of long lines and loud noises. The good news is that there are ways to make sure your kids have an amazing holiday season—and you don’t have to miss out on any of the fun either!
Find more family time.
There are so many ways to make holidays better for your children, but one of the most important is finding more family time. In today’s busy world, it can be easy for parents and kids alike to feel disconnected from each other. By spending quality time together on a daily basis and making it a priority in your holiday planning, you’ll create memories that will last a lifetime.
Have an Advent calendar.
What is an Advent calendar? It’s a countdown to Christmas, where you open up a door on the first day of December and then each subsequent day until Christmas Eve. The idea is that kids will get excited about seeing what’s behind the doors every morning.
How can you make one? Simple! Get a big roll of wrapping paper (you can use any colors you want), some scissors and something to write with so that you can write down what’s behind each door if necessary. Then just cut out 24 squares and write down or draw something fun on each one. Hang them up around your house somewhere where everyone will see them throughout the month of December leading up to Christmas day.
Slow down and enjoy the season.
Take time to enjoy the season. Have you ever noticed how some people seem to rush through the holidays? They’re in a hurry to get everything done, and then they turn around and wonder why it went by too fast. Don’t be one of those people! Instead, take your time, breathe deeply, and enjoy the season. If you are stressed about getting all your shopping done or cooking for big holiday gatherings, remember that this is supposed to be fun!
Keep traditions alive.
When children grow up, they’ll look back on their childhoods and try to recall what happened on any given day. If you want your child to be able to remember the holiday traditions you’ve created together, then it’s important that these traditions are still around for them when they’re older.
Traditions help build memories—for example, if you always have a family meal on Thanksgiving and watch football games together every Sunday, your child will remember those moments fondly because they’re associated with family time. When creating traditions as parents or guardians of your kids, think about what activities are fun for everyone (e.g., taking trips together) and which ones provide opportunities for bonding (e.g., craft projects).
Embrace the chaos.
You may feel like you need to have everything under control for the holidays, but remember that there will be chaos. It’s okay if things don’t go exactly according to plan, or if your kids aren’t behaving perfectly at every moment. Take a breath and enjoy your time with them!
The holidays aren’t always easy, but they don’t have to be a chore either. If you embrace the chaos and keep things fun and simple, then everyone wins.