Key questions to ask when inquiring about childcare.
Get Started
When can I enroll my child at Kingdom Kids Childcare?
Anytime! Enrollment is ongoing 52 weeks a year if space is available.
How do I enroll my child?
First, set up a tour to speak with an Administrator.
What forms or paperwork do I need to provide to enroll my child?
Please visit our Enrollment page for all the forms that we require to start your child at Kingdom Kids.
Visit Us
Where are your learning centers located?
Our current center is open on Cedar Rapids’ NE side. Expansion plans are in the works to offer multiple locations and franchising in various states.
What days and times are you open?
All locations will be open Monday through Friday, from 6:30 am-5:30 pm.
Can I take a tour of the childcare center during hours of operation?
Kingdom Kids recommends calling to book an appointment or schedule a tour online so the Administrator can plan time to spend with you and your family and have no other appointments booked. However, we have an open-door policy, so you may also choose to stop by any time.
Can I see your classrooms before I visit?
If you cannot schedule an in-person tour, connect with the location to set up a Virtual Tour to take a video walk-through of the center.
Tuition & Attendance
How many days can my child attend? Is there a minimum or a maximum number of days per week my child can attend?
There is a 2-day minimum, up to 5 days per week. Parents are asked to choose a drop-off and pick-up time so that we can best prepare for your child’s arrival and departure. Please choose 10 hours or less per day, up to 50 hours per week.
How much is childcare tuition?
Our rates vary by your child’s age. We have rates for 1's ($240), 2's ($220), 3's ($200), 4's ($180), B&A ($110), Drop In 1's ($50), Drop In 2+ ($40), Enrollment Fee of $35. Please contact us, and we will be happy to go over the options with you or you can schedule a tour.
Wait list
What should I do next if there is no space available for my child?
To keep staff-to-child ratios low, we have a limited number of spots in each classroom. To put your child’s name on the waitlist, please contact the center’s Administrator and fill out your child's intake form to ensure a spot on the list.
Is the center open during inclement weather?
Kingdom Kids closely mirrors the public school system for inclement weather. If there is a late start for public school, Kingdom Kids follows the regularly scheduled hours. Parents will be alerted to any closures through the Brightwell app and or on our Facebook page. Like our page to stay informed.
Will my child have the opportunity to play outside every day?
Kingdom Kids believes children should have the opportunity to play outside, every day. Outside play provides children with many different learning experiences. Weather permitting your child will get outside.
Proven Quality
Is the center licensed?
Our childcare facility is required to be licensed in Iowa by DHS (Department of Human Services). Kingdom Kids Childcare Center is licensed, insured, nationally accredited, smoke-free, and drug-free. Kingdom Kids also participates in the Iowa Quality for Kids IQ4K Iowa’s new Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). This program educates and evaluates our center to ensure that we can be considered a quality facility that cares for children.
Whom can I expect to see interacting with my child?
All Kingdom Kids teachers have a high school diploma, up to a Bachelors’ degree. All Lead Teachers are encouraged through area incentive programs to continue their education in Early Childhood by earning the minimum of a CDA (Child Development Associate) accreditation. Staff must be at least 16 years or older, pass a background and criminal record check, and have some experience working with children.
How often is staff training provided?
All staff members are required to complete professional development throughout each calendar year. All Kingdom Kids staff must complete well above the 10 hours (within the 1st year of employment) and 6 training hours (thereafter) per year required by the state. Training is an important tool to ensure each teacher is empowered with the information needed to provide quality care in the development of children. Training such as CPR and First Aid, Universal Precautions, MCART (Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training), Iowa Early Learning Standards (IELS), Social Emotional, Positive Behavior Supports, and more, based on the needs and interests of our staff.
Daily Activities
What learning opportunities are available throughout the day?
Experiences are provided that meet children’s needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas. The curriculum and teacher interactions are responsive to the individual needs of the child and abilities and interests. Please see infant, toddler, preschool, PreK, and school-age information and daily schedules here.
What type of curriculum is offered?
Kingdom Kids has strategically selected each age group's weekly curriculum, which is guided by our Educational Framework and the Iowa Early Learning Standards (IELS) to ensure each child is meeting developmental milestones.
How do you teach children positive, appropriate behaviors?
Kingdom Kids participates in a program called PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports). PBIS develops school-wide systems that support staff to teach and promote positive behavior in all students. We encourage the children to follow three universal expectations- be safe, be kind, be responsible.
What is the nap and rest time policy for children at the center?
Rest time allows children to rest, sleep, and/or relax their bodies. While a child is resting on his/her personal cot he/she can read books and listen to relaxing music. Children may be encouraged to use quiet voices or engage in a quiet activity if they choose not to sleep so they allow their friends to rest.
Are meals included in the tuition?
Kingdom Kids takes pride in offering thoughtfully crafted menus of free nutritious meals for breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all children in our program. They fully align with the guidelines set forth by the CACFP program, ensuring the well-being and healthy development of every child in our care. By eating meals with friends and teachers, mealtimes provide enriched social experiences. Fall/Winter/Spring & Summer Menus
How will I be informed about my child’s day at Kingdom Kids?
Communication is especially important at Kingdom Kids. Our teachers will communicate with each parent at the end of every day. Our center also uses a daily reporting system called Brightwheel. Parents can communicate and receive updates detailing their child's day through the app.
Security & Safety
Will my child be safe at Kingdom Kids?
Safety is our number one priority, and we take many steps to ensure the safety of your child. Doors are securely locked, and the building can only be accessed through a passcode. Fire and Disaster drills are conducted throughout the year so that our children, staff, and teachers are prepared in the event of an emergency situation. Each center has an emergency evacuation plan and a safe location to evacuate to if needed.
Enrichment & Involvement
Do you have field trips, enrichments, or special guests?
We invite special guests to our center such as community helpers, bookmobiles, magicians, etc. Our Enriching Curriculum provides opportunities for our children to discover new experiences in cooking, gardening, sports, and more. During our summer program students ages, 4+ attend field trips. Some past field trips have included Iowa Children's Museum, Bever Park Zoo, The Public Library, The Play Station, AirFX, twice-weekly trips to the area splash pads, and more. Our 0-3 years summer programs include scheduled on-site visitors and walks/wagon rolls at least once per week!
How can I get involved in center activities?
Parent involvement is especially important to Kingdom Kids Childcare. Summer center events occur regularly – keep on the lookout for information. We also welcome parents as volunteers and chaperones. Speak to your center Administration about volunteering your time, either in the classroom or at events. We would love to have parents share a story at circle time, join in during events, and just spending time in our classrooms!
Is there someone always available to answer questions?
Yes, you can call us at 319-200-4275 or contact us any time.