Kingdom Kids provides toddlers with opportunities to learn and explore. Kingdom Kids Care toddler classrooms are organized into learning centers to engage children in learning through play while building independence.
Our teachers communicate with parents to ensure we are working together on important milestones such as potty training and language development and to ensure your child’s daily needs are met. We utilize curriculum to guide your child’s natural curiosity into meaningful learning experiences. Teachers develop new learning opportunities and ensure the progression of development and learning.
Daily Schedule:
The toddler classroom provides a structured daily schedule to help your young child learn. Each classroom provides opportunities for structured activities, story and circle time, music and movement, guided play, mealtimes, and a rest time.
Curriculum and Learning:
Our Sample Curriculum Calendar (link to calendars-attached) gives parents a part of each day’s lessons. Weekly Lesson Plans engage your toddler in the following areas:
- Group Story time
- Social Skills
- Gross Motor
- Fine Motor
- Language
- Sensory/Discovery
- Outdoor Play
- Math Concepts & Manipulatives