More often than not, parents play a major role in the learning process of their children. Having a good learner is taught. While some children already have the motivation to study, others struggle in this area. Limiting studying to the classroom hinders other areas in the child’s growth. Cultivating a reading culture makes a good learner and develops a good study habit. It is vital not to force children to study instead create an environment where they can motivate themselves to study at home.
Here are some of tips to keep your kids motivated and encouraged to study at home;
1. Formulate a reward structure.
Appreciate and recognize achievements of your child no matter how small they are. It keeps them motivated to keep soaring for more achievements. It could be as simple as playing with their favorite toy or watching their favorite television show. This makes them look forward to more wins.
2. Let the child control the studying process.
Traditionally, children learn in a classroom setting where control comes from their educators. Set a different environment where they are in control to unleash their learning potential.
3. Anchor on the child’s strengths and interests.
Encourage them and help them cultivate their strengths and work on their weaknesses.
4. Formulate a study plan.
Structure is necessary in a child’s learning or studying at home as there are structures in a traditional classroom. Make sure to include structure. You could do this by setting a time when to complete assignments, when to take a break and how long it should be, order of priority of what assignment to be completed or is due first et cetera.
5. Introduce game based learning.
Game based learning keeps a child engaged and makes it fun to study at home.
6. Develop different ways of learning and techniques.
Every child is different, so there are different styles and techniques of learning. One technique might favor one child and not the other. Trying different techniques in studying will help you pin point the right technique that suits your child.
7. Provide a conducive atmosphere for studying.
Make sure the child’s environment is quiet enough for concentration, provide the necessary tools for example pens, calculators, erasers et cetera. A hungry kid is not fit for studying therefore food and drinks availability is also important.
8. Relieve and limit stress.
There is no room for learning or studying for a stressed child. Ensure to have stress relieving activities and the end of study or in between breaks. It could be a walk, listening to music or playing a game.
9. Emphasize on learning other than grades and performance.
Having a positive attitude towards learning is very important. Let the child understand that learning is more important than the performance. It could be as easy as recognizing how well they were able to solve a math problem.
10. Give the child the support needed.
This could be anything from getting them help from their teachers, helping out with homework, listening to them or even engaging with them in their studies.